Orbán-close daily: The EU is the empire of the evil

Magyar Nemzet, a government-close daily, published an opinion article saying that the European Union is creating a similar empire to the Soviet Union, and it has become the empire of evil.

The empire of evil: not the Soviet Union, but the EU

The article‘s author, Attila Zsolt Borbély, is a Hungarian journalist living in Transylvania, Romania. He argues in his writing that everybody knew during Hungary’s (and Romania’s) EU accession that they would become part of an institution that is a tentacle of a hidden background power. But there were more advantages of the accession than remaining out.

However, the system changed, Borbély says, and the EU became a global representative of the LGBTQ lobby. Brussels would like to take children from their parents to raise them in a politically correct way. Even the Communist dictatorship was not brave enough to do so.

The United States and the European Union became the empire of evil. They replaced the Soviet Union in that regard, he said. And the Hungarian opposition parties are all part of that. Only PM Orbán and his team remain to go against the perverse terror of Brussels.

Minister: EU at crossroads

The European Union has once again reached a crossroads, as has happened several times in the course of European integration, Tibor Navracsics, the minister of regional development, told a conference in western Hungary on Thursday. Circumstances inside and outside the EU have changed in recent times such that the bloc must confront momentous decisions, the former EU commissioner said at the opening of a three-day international conference at Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém.

Navracsics said the EU could be seen as an economic community, a federative unit or a cultural community, and the question had emerged: how should the EU move forward. Noting the war under way on the EU’s eastern borders and challenges to the bloc’s economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, he said Europe’s economy was sagging.

The first model sees the EU as an economic community, focusing on the common market and does not raise political expectations of its member states, Navracsics said. The second sees it as a federative unit, in a process of development and increasingly poses political requirements to member states, he added.

“The third model, my preferred one, views the EU as a cultural community,” he said. Promoting better understanding of nations and the enrichment of European culture, it would operate as a “community of communities” tied together by a European cultural identity, he said. The conference is attended by 70 young theologians from 16 countries throughout Europe to discuss new ideas about the continent’s future.

Viktor Orbán state of the nation
Read alsoOrbán’s State of the Nation speech: the NATO should have accepted Russia’s territorial gains


  1. I like how everyone is so occupied with the USSR, something that doesn’t exists no more.

    Why not the Mongol Empire, the Roman Empire or the Aztek Empire?
    Maybe the Sumer Empire.

    The USSR just as relevant as those: just a section in a history book.

    However the, US is a real threat, along with their puppets in Brussels. Right now.

  2. Well, turgid language, perhaps, but they’re not wrong. The original concept of the E.U. was very laudable but it has since become a corrupt, authoritarian, corporatist, bloated megalomaniac. Such associations never, ever survive for very long. I just hope that when the E.U.’s time comes, it goes the way of Czechoslovakia, not Yugoslavia.

  3. Attila Zsolt Borbély, YOU ARE AN IDIOT that will say anything to see your name in print. If you really love Hungary, come live here instead of throwing rocks from Romania. If you truely believe what you say, than I think you need a very good education in history, something that your dear hero, Victor, has underfunded for years to creat people like you that talk out of your ass. Nice job for a hack, pretty juvenile for someone that used the word “Journalist” after his name.

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